D2Insert is a television ad insertion network that enables broadcasters to monetize millions of unused advertising avails. By leveraging existing Ad Exchange services, D2Insert presents available opportunities for advertisers to purchase with demand-based pricing. The advertisement is scheduled and inserted into the broadcast channel using a D2Flex at each station.
Millions of Opportunities
In ad supported television, content providers allocate opportunities for broadcasters to insert local commercials and make money. Typically a broadcaster is given time to insert eight 30 second commercials an hour. Following the math for a few stations with 6 subchannels each, you quickly get to over a million ads a year.
Lost Money
Without D2Insert, broadcasters have to purchase expensive equipment, hire a sales team, traffic the avails and manage the ad insertions. This may be fine for primary channels in large markets, but the economics don’t work for secondary channels and LPTV stations. The broadcaster has no choice but to let the local insertion opportunities go unused.
Zero Cost Rev Share
The D2Insert Network is based on a revenue share model between the broadcaster and D2D Technologies. All of the equipment to run the ad insertion network is leased to the broadcaster at no cost. Also D2D handles the entire process of selling avails on the Ad Exchange, inserting the ad, collecting payments, and disbursing the revenue. In return, the broadcaster provides an internet connection and the right to insert on the local avails.
Ad Exchange for TV
Ad exchange marketplaces have facilitated the buying and selling of ad inventory between advertisers and publishers. Now with the D2Insert Network, broadcasters can join the marketplace to sell ad avails for each of their channels. The CPM value of single station avails are multiplied when they are grouped together based on ethnic, geographic or other characteristics. An advertiser can then make a single purchase and the ad will run on all the channels in the group.
FAST Streaming Channels
An increasing number of LPTV stations are using FAST streaming content on their subchannels. D2Flex support for FAST streams includes:
- Convert HLS to ASI transport streams
- Convert HLS to TSoIP and SRT
- Major-minor channel branding
- Insert on SCTE-35 cues in HLS manifest
Satellite and SRT
Satellite and SRT delivered streams supported by D2Flex includes:
- Convert ASI to TSoIP and SRT
- Major-minor channel branding
- Insert on SCTE-35 cues
Ad Content Streams
As part of an Ad Exchange, the content is referenced and verified as part of the sale. The D2Insert Network then collects all of the needed ad content streams and stages them for insertion. As a final check, the ad stream format and resolution are automatically verified by the D2Flex before it is inserted into the broadcast channel.
D2Monitor Included
The D2Insert Network uses an enterprise monitoring system that will alert if there in an issue with the insertion equipment. It also stores as-run logs for detailed reporting.