Every day there are tens of thousands of avails unused and wasted at LPTV and small stations all across the country. If you’re thinking there’s got to be a better way for those avails to generate revenue that doesn’t require a huge budget or sales team, then you’d be right.

D2D Technologies has created a guide for broadcasters to find out what the buzz is all about with automated ad insertion and how easy it can be to monetize avails without extra work.

If you’d like to fill more of your ad avails but you don’t have the time, staff, expertise, or resources, it’s time to find out more about the new automated ad insertion technology that small stations are starting to use to fill more avails and bring in more revenue.

There’s simply nobody else doing this for broadcast television.

This new guide breaks down the no-brainer benefits of setting up turnkey automated ad insertion so you can focus your energy where it’s really needed, while you collect your money on autopilot.

Inside the guide, you’ll discover:

  • How algorithms replace the need for a sales staff

  • How this can be possible for you without investing in any equipment

  • The technology behind a truly seamless viewer experience

  • How to get the metrics you need to show off the value of your avails

  • How you can just sit back and collect your checks

  • Why now is the time to get involved within your market

Get your copy of the guide to find out more about this opportunity.